No countries lost.Ĭurrently doing impossible ironman. I had a tough time for the first 1-2 months on clasic + ironman. Already started my second go, enjoying getting my ass said: I decide to try and wait, it doesnt finish in time, people freak out, end of month and end of run. I get an abduction that pops up and my new weapons are 0 days away. I got lucky and panic didn't really increase very much. Next move I cant do anything, thin man takes yet another long shot and kills him, mission failed. My assault freaks out, shoots my heavy, dead. Thin man shoots back, crits him in full cover. Somehow his overwatch triggers from across the entire fucking map and blows him away one shot. Now there were 2 thin men in overwatch, I easily smoke one of em and the other is on the other side of the map, so I decide to move the vip up. On my way taking the hostage back I ran into little resistance and things were lookin ok. I go to do a council mission and disaster strikes. Enter month 3, things are looking solid with a few countries with pretty high panic. Anyway I actually came out of month 2 with an A grade from the council. My troops were gettin through missions with small scratches and my bench was deep (I'd say about 14 troops had some kind of experience). Anyway after a slump through half of the 2nd month I finally started heating up. (considered quitting then but decided to pursue forward). Things started out poor, I had lost 4 countries in the first month due to lack of sattilites. EDIT: So this morning I lost my first classic Ironman and it was pretty much my fault. But other than that my soldiers have been really unreliable and unstable. Hasn't panicked ever and tends to hit his mark.

Just wondering how everyone else is doing on classic mode? So far I have one outstanding solider rightfully named Barry Burton (this is my Resident Evil squad) who is just a monster. I do realize sometimes it's the luck of the draw and there are just a ton of enemies or where they are placed is brutal. Man I am gettin murdered out there! I've done maybe 8 or 9 missions ( for better context Ive had one council meeting) and I've already lost 12 soldiers and lost a mission.

Only lost like 5 soldiers the whole game and figured that means I'm ready for classic mode.